sneaker Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Member ID: 29 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 149 Content Count: 1759 Reputation: 2320 Achievement Points: 1759 Days Won: 0 With Us For: 6697 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Οκτωβρίου 15, 2022 Age: 44 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Όπως ίσως να παρατηρήσατε, άνοιξε ένα thread στην ενότητα "ΑΡΘΡΑ-ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ του GC" στο οποίο θα αναγράφουμε ελληνικά τραγούδια που περιέχουν αναφορές σε κόμικ. Για να μη γίνει μπάχαλο και να είναι λίγο οργανωμένα τα πράγματα, το thread εκείνο θα είναι κλειδωμένο. Θα μπορούμε όμως να σχολιάζουμε εδώ πέρα τα τραγούδια που θα βλέπουμε εκεί και ταυτόχρονα να προσθέτουμε και όσα λείπουν. Πάρτε λοιπόν σβάρνα τα mp3, τα cd και τους δίσκους σας και βρείτε τραγούδια που να περιέχουν μέσα στους στίχους κάποια αναφορά σε κόμικ. Δε χρειάζεται αυτή να είναι εκτενής. Μια λέξη μόνο αρκεί. Απλά αυτό που θα μας εξυπηρετούσε θα ήταν να μας κάνετε και ένα copy-paste όλους τους στίχους του τραγουδιου, όχι μόνο το κομμάτι με την αναφορά. Ήδη έγινε η αρχή και όπως θα δείτε ο Δεληβοριάς έχει την τιμητική του με αρκετά κομμάτια. Σκέφτεστε κάποιον άλλον; 8 Παράθεση
Melandros Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Member ID: 4830 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 480 Content Count: 2663 Reputation: 16126 Achievement Points: 2665 Days Won: 3 With Us For: 6198 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιανουαρίου 17 Age: 46 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Το τραγούδι ηχογραφήθηκε το 1984 με τον Λουκιανό Κηλαηδόνη και τον Αντώνη Πυλιαρό στο “ρόλο” του Γιώργου Θαλάσση. Ο ΜΙΚΡΟΣ ΗΡΩΣ Από τη μια οι Ιταλοί κι οι Γερμανοί για να σε βρουν αναστατώνουν την Αθήνα, κι από την άλλη του πατέρα μου η φωνή: “νομίζω πως το κρύβει στην κουζίνα”. Εσύ να παίζεις με το θάνατο κρυφτό κι αυτοί να σκίζουνε τα τεύχη τα κρυμμένα, μη σε τρομάζει το διπλό κυνηγητό εσύ τους Γερμανούς κι αυτοί εμένα. Που είσαι τώρα και σ’ έχω χάσει καλέ μου φίλε, Γιώργο Θαλάσση που είσαι τώρα και σ’ έχω χάσει Μικρέ μου Ήρωα, Γιώργο Θαλάσση. - “Εγώ δεν ξεκουράζομαι ποτέ είμαι παντού όπου το χρέος με προστάζει, κι όσο θα υπάρχουνε στη γη κατακτηταί θα τους συντρίβω και το αίμα τους θα στάζει”. Πίσω απ’ τον τοίχο ο ασύρματος καλεί είναι απ’ τη Μέση Ανατολή, απ’ το αρχηγείο, θα σου αναθέσουν μια καινούργια αποστολή με ευχές για καλή τύχη απ’ τον «Χ2». Η Κατερίνα σ’ αγαπούσε σιωπηλά αλλά κι εσύ το ίδιο αγνά την αγαπούσες, χωρίς τον Σπίθα ίσως να ‘ταν πιο καλά παρ’ όλ’ αυτά εσύ τον συγχωρούσες. Όταν ακούω να μιλάνε γι’ Αφρική για Βερολίνο, Βενετία και Παρίσι, σκέφτομαι, λέω, που να ξέραν μερικοί πως σ’ όλα αυτά τα μέρη εγώ έχω ζήσει. Πως όταν ήταν στην Ελλάδα κατοχή μέσα στις σφαίρες, μες στο κρύο, μες στην πείνα, με τους Εγγλέζους να εξοπλίζουνε τη “Χι” μου έδειχνες μια ξένοιαστη Αθήνα. Εσύ μπορούσες να οδηγήσεις φορτηγό μοτοσικλέτα, οτομοτρίς κι αεροπλάνο, κι όπου κι αν ήσουν πάντα δίπλα ήμουν κι εγώ μαζί σου ή να ζήσω ή να πεθάνω. Ήσουνα πάντα εκδικητής και τιμωρός γι’ αυτόν που γέμισε τον τόπο με στρατό του, και μ’ ένα χτύπημά σου έπεφτε ο φρουρός με μια στροφή γύρω απ’ τον εαυτό του. Μπορούσες πάλι να ημερεύεις τα σκυλιά με κάποιο σφύριγμα που σού ‘μαθε τσοπάνος, κι έτσι που πέταγες με κόλπο τη θηλιά θα έπρεπε να είσαι Αμερικάνος. Τι να σου πω, τι να σου πω, τι να σου πω που να μην το ‘χει πει κανένας για κανέναν εγώ μονάχα ένα πράγμα θα σου πω μου φτάνει πως μεγάλωσα με σένα. Που είσαι τώρα και σ’ έχω χάσει καλέ μου φίλε, Γιώργο Θαλάσση όπου κι αν είσαι, θα ‘χεις γεράσει Μικρέ μου Ήρωα, Γιώργο Θαλάσση. 14 Παράθεση
sneaker Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Member ID: 29 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 149 Content Count: 1759 Reputation: 2320 Achievement Points: 1759 Days Won: 0 With Us For: 6697 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Οκτωβρίου 15, 2022 Age: 44 Συγγραφέας Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 added 2 Παράθεση
zoo Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Member ID: 832 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 197 Content Count: 4143 Reputation: 15926 Achievement Points: 4143 Days Won: 12 With Us For: 6596 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιανουαρίου 18 Age: 43 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Να έχουμε και audio για κάποια απ'όσα μπήκαν στη λίστα Μάρω Μαρκέλλου - Scrooge McDuck (Θα σε παπιοαγαπώ) Φοίβος Δεληβοριάς - Η γυναίκα του Πατώκου Φοίβος Δεληβοριάς - Χριστούγεννα τα links έχουν μπει και αυτά στη λίστα με τα τραγούδια 11 Παράθεση
sneaker Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Member ID: 29 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 149 Content Count: 1759 Reputation: 2320 Achievement Points: 1759 Days Won: 0 With Us For: 6697 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Οκτωβρίου 15, 2022 Age: 44 Συγγραφέας Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Πρόσθεσα και audio στο "Πινέλο" του Δεληβοριά και στη Μπόσα Νόβα: 9 Παράθεση
lunatic Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Member ID: 2818 Group: Members Topic Count: 73 Content Count: 916 Reputation: 3593 Achievement Points: 916 Days Won: 2 With Us For: 6421 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Απριλίου 2, 2024 Age: 36 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Ημισκούμπρια Σου πήρα κινητό να μιλάμε όλη μέρα σου πήρα και του βλάχου τη σκαλιστή φλογέρα. Σου 'φτιαξα ραχάτ-λουκούμ ολάκερο ταψί σου πήρα τη φανέλα του Ανθιμου Καψή. Σ' αγόραζα κυλόττες και τα κομπινεζόνια το πλαστικό το χρήμα για όλα σου τα ψώνια. Ένα γλυκό τιγράκι από το μαχαραγιά μα έγινε γατάκι γιατί ξέβαψε η μπογιά σε πήγα Αυστραλία να δεις τα καγκουρώ σ'αγόρασα στο Μέηικο την κάπα του Ζορό σου πήρα ΝΤΟΝΤΟΝ παγωτό σταφίδα με το ρούμι σε πήγα κα στην Κύπρο και σε τάιζα χαλούμι σου επάνδρωσα ενυδρείο με άγριους καρχαρίες ένα υδρομασάζ μικρό με μπαταρίες έναν μονόχειρα ληστή,να έχεις για παιχνίδι σαράντα φλιτζανάκια με το σήμα του Λουμίδη Έδωσα τα πάντα για σένανε μαντάμ και τώρα je suis bossu de clos de Notre Dame. Σου σκάλισα σε μάρμαρο Απόλλωνα τον Φοίβο σου πήρα υγρό καρότο στην πλαζ για να σε τρίβω σου έφτιαξα ναό με τις πλάκες τις Καρύστου σου πήρα το καπέλο του Κόμη Μοντεχρίστου σου 'φτιαξε ο Τζεπέτο το Σκυριανό σαλόνι σε πήγα Μονεμβάσια να δούμε το κανόνι Σ' αγόραζα τους δίσκους του μέγα του Ρασούλη και σου 'παιζα μπαλάντες του Μπίλι του Καζούλη Σου πήρα την ρακέτα του βασιλιά του Leer παρείγγειλα στον Οβελίξ και σου έφτιαξε μενίρ Σου πήρα τον ΗΜΙΖ την πρώτη στους την πλάκα σου πήρα χαϊμαλιά από πλανόδιους στην Πλάκα. σου πήρα τα 100 σκυλάκια Δαλματίας το ένα το 'κανε σκουφί ενάς εγκληματίας το 'πα το 'κανα σε έψαξα σε βρήκα σε πλήρωσα χρυσάφι και ας μην είχες προίκα Έδωσα τα πάντα για σένανε μαντάμ και τώρα je suis bossu de clos de Notre Dame Σου έδινα φιλάκια ματσα μουτσα ματς εκβίασα τον Πρύτανη για να σου μάθει σκρατς σ' έμαθα να κάνεις του Μπόζο την γκριμάτσα σου έμαθα σε Μεξικάνικους ρυθμούς το "κουκαράτσα" σου βρήκα του Ιάσωνα χρυσόμαλλο το δέρας σου τραγούδαγα ισπανικά γλυκά σαν το Μπαντέρας Σου πήρα αυτοκόλλητα χαρτάκια τα Pannini σου πήρα το βιολί του Νίκου Παγκανίνι σου πήρα Ανναμπέλ το "Ένα πρωινό" 'κείνο το καλοκαίρι με Λάκη Κομνηνό σου πήρα τα πλοκάμια του Dr Octapus αφρόλουτρο παπάκι όταν θα κάνεις ντους Σου βρήκα το σπανιότατο τσαντάκι του Sport Billy σου πήρα Μάγια μέλισσα σου πήρα και το Βίλλυ. Σου έσκαψα ορυχείο με φλέβα από λιγνίτη μα τώρα παίζω τη λατέρνα σαν τον Αυλωνίτη. Έδωσα τα πάντα για σένανε μαντάμ και τώρα je suis bossu de clos de Notre Dame. 10 Παράθεση
lunatic Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Member ID: 2818 Group: Members Topic Count: 73 Content Count: 916 Reputation: 3593 Achievement Points: 916 Days Won: 2 With Us For: 6421 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Απριλίου 2, 2024 Age: 36 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 1, 2008 Ημισκούμπρια (Στη ντισκοτέκ, στη παλιά ντισκοτέκ)(2) Στη ντισκοτέκ την παλιά φέραν νέα φώτα στρώσαν καινούρια χαλιά κι άνοιξαν την πόρτα. Ρόδα τσάντα και κοπάνα και μαρσάρω τη Husqvarna κι οι μπαρμπάδες στις διαβάσεις τρέχουν μη τους πάρω σβάρνα. Φοράω το δερμάτινο και τη see-through φανέλα και κάνω μια κωλιά μπροστά στη Barbarella. Μου λέει το γκομενάκι μου "Give a bit a MMM to me" της λέω ασ' τα εγγλέζικα και μπαίνω στο ζουμί πάμε να κουνηθούμε κάτω απ' τη ντίσκο μπάλα τώρα που ο D.J. μιξάρει "κολεγιάλα". Χορεύω Michael Jackson με καμαρώνουν όλοι κι η άσπρη μου η κάλτσα φωσφορίζει στο στρομπόλι κι ήταν όλοι τους εκεί η Σοφία κι ο Σταμάτης Πάνος, Στάθης και Καιτούλα κι ο Χαλίφης της Βαγδάτης. Όμως δεν ήρθες εσύ, το χαμόγελό σου, λείπει η ζωή μου η μισή κι ότι είν' δικό σου. Κι η μουσική (κι αυτή) δεν έχει όπως εχθές ρυθμό η νύχτα πια (κι αυτή) δεν τρέχει και τον χορό ξεχνώ. Τα γέλια με (αχα) πειράζουν και στον πολύ καπνό ψάχνω τριγύρω μου και προσπαθώ να σε βρω. (Στη ντισκοτέκ, στη παλιά ντισκοτέκ) Στη ντισκοτέκ ο ρυθμός έχει τώρα αλλάξει ξένος μου μοιάζει ο χορός που μου 'χες διδάξει. Τώρα προστάζει η μόδα το φίλημα στο χέρι του κάθε Hommo-Sapiens που έχουν για πορτιέρη μπλουζάκι Enterprise και ντουμσι ντουμσι ντουμ κοσμογονία έκσταση και δόκτορα τον Doom -"Συγνώμη κύριέ μου πίνετε το ποτό μου" -"Τι λέτε κύριέ μου αυτό ειν' το κολατσιό μου" -Κι ήμουν απ' αυτούς που στίχους δεν μπορούν να μάθουν τώρα οι καλύτεροί μου στίχοι πλέον δεν υπάρχουν μαθαίνω όμως τα εύκολα και λιγοστά λογάκια θα τραγουδώ σε λίγο τα σκυλοσουξεδάκια Paparazzi και μοντέλα, ηθοποιοί αποτυχημένοι αφού όλοι διασκεδάζουνε γιατί είσαι λυπημένη; Είναι που λείπεις εσύ, το χαμόγελό σου λείπει η ζωή μου η μισή κι ότι είν' δικό σου Κι η μουσική (κι αυτή) δεν έχει όπως εχθές ρυθμό η νύχτα πια (κι αυτή) δεν τρέχει και τον χορό ξεχνώ. Τα γέλια με (αχα) πειράζουν και στον πολύ καπνό ψάχνω τριγύρω μου και προσπαθώ να σε βρω. (Στη ντισκοτέκ, στη παλιά ντισκοτέκ) 10 Παράθεση
ngramm Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 2, 2008 Member ID: 1076 Group: Technician Topic Count: 171 Content Count: 2479 Reputation: 9518 Achievement Points: 2442 Days Won: 4 With Us For: 6580 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιανουαρίου 15 Age: 54 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 2, 2008 Αυτό δεν μετράει γιατί είναι απλά ποίηση από κάποιον ανώνυμο, αλλά διαβάστε το γιατί είναι πολύ καλό (έχει και β' version, άμα διαβάσετε όλο τον διάλογο) 5 Παράθεση
lunatic Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 3, 2008 Member ID: 2818 Group: Members Topic Count: 73 Content Count: 916 Reputation: 3593 Achievement Points: 916 Days Won: 2 With Us For: 6421 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Απριλίου 2, 2024 Age: 36 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 3, 2008 Να επισημάνω απλά ότι την "πτώση" των Goin through την έχω βάλει ήδη στην πρώτη σελίδα! 2 Παράθεση
ngramm Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 3, 2008 Member ID: 1076 Group: Technician Topic Count: 171 Content Count: 2479 Reputation: 9518 Achievement Points: 2442 Days Won: 4 With Us For: 6580 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιανουαρίου 15 Age: 54 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 3, 2008 Να επισημάνω απλά ότι την "πτώση" των Goin through την έχω βάλει ήδη στην πρώτη σελίδα! Σωστός Γιάννη. Το έσβησα λοιπόν το δικό μου για να μην μπερδεύει! 4 Παράθεση
Lord Makro Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 5, 2008 Member ID: 2066 Group: Honored Topic Count: 79 Content Count: 4679 Reputation: 26699 Achievement Points: 4713 Days Won: 4 With Us For: 6489 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Τρίτη στις 09:43 PM Age: 48 Δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκεμβρίου 5, 2008 Τραγουδάρα!! 2 Παράθεση
lunatic Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 8, 2009 Member ID: 2818 Group: Members Topic Count: 73 Content Count: 916 Reputation: 3593 Achievement Points: 916 Days Won: 2 With Us For: 6421 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Απριλίου 2, 2024 Age: 36 Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 8, 2009 Eminem-Rain Man [Dre (Em)] Yeah (Definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely K-mart) Yeah, yeah [Eminem (Dr. Dre):] You find me offensive? I find you offensive For finding me offensive Hence if I should draw a line on any fences If so to what extense if Any, should I go? 'Cause it's getting expensive Being on the other side of the courtroom on the defensive They say that I cause extensive Psychological nerve damage to the brain when I go to lengths this, Far at other people's expenses I say your all just too god damn sensitive It's censorship And it's down right blasphemous Listen to shit now cause I won't stand for this And Chirs-stiff-pher Reeves won't sit for this neither And let's clear this up too I ain't got no beef with him either He used to be like a hero to me I even believe I, had one of those 25 cent stickers on my re--frigerator Right next to Darth Vader And Darth must have put a hex on him for later I feel like it's my fault cause of the way that I stuck him up in between him and Lex Luther I killed Superman, I killed Super--man And how ironic, that I'd be the bad guy Kryptonite: The Green Chronic [Chorus:] Cause I ain't got no legs! Or no brain, nice to meet you Hi, my name is... I forgot my name! My name was not to become what I became with this level of fame My soul is possessed by this devil my new name is.... Rain Man Now in the Bible it says Thou shalt not watch two lesbians in bed, Have homosexual sex Unless of course you were given the consent to join in Then of course, it's intercourse And it's bi-sexual sex Which isn't as bad, as long as you show some remorse for your actions Either before, during or after performing the act of that which Is normally referred to have such, more commonly known phrases That are more used by today's kids In a more derogatory way but Who's to say, what's fair to say, and what not to say? Let's ask Dr. Dre Dr. Dre? (What up?) I gotta question if I may? (Yeah) Is it gay to play Putt-Putt golf with a friend (Yeah) And watch his butt-butt when he tees off? (Yeah) But, but! I ain't done yet In football the quarterback yells out hutt-hutt While he reaches in another grown man's ass Grabs on his nuts but just what if It was never meant it was just an accident But he tripped, fell, slipped and his penis went in His teeny tiny little round hiney but he didn't mean it But his little weenie flinched just a little bit And I don't mean to go in into any more details but What if he pictured it as a females butt? Is that gay? I just need to clear things up Till then I'll just walk around with a manly strut because... [Chorus] You find me offensive, I find you offensive Shit, this is the same verse I just did this When am I gonna come to my good senses? Probably the day Bush comes to my defenses My spider senses telling me Spiderman is nearby And my plan is to get him next And open up a whip ass canister God damn it Dre where is the god damn beat? (Yeah) Anyway, anyway I don't know how else to put it This is the only thing that I'm good at I am the bad guy, Kryptonite: The Green Chronic Demonic, yep yep, don't worry I'm on it I got it, high five Nick Lachey Stuck a pen in Jessica's head and walked away And she blew around the room like a balloon-a Grabbed the last can of chicken tuna Out the trash can and zoom-a Headed straight back to the Neverland Ranch With a peanut butter, jelly, chicken, tuna sandwich And I don't gotta make no god damn sense I just did a whole song and I didn't say shit [Chorus] Cause IIIAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHAHAHAAA AAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHH Yo, Rain Man Definitely, definitely Dr. Dre super dope beat maker two thousand and Two thousand four hundred and eighty seven million Nine hundred and n seventy three thousand four hundred and sixty three And seventy (Yeah) 7 Παράθεση
nihilio Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 8, 2009 Member ID: 4542 Group: Members Topic Count: 6 Content Count: 272 Reputation: 480 Achievement Points: 272 Days Won: 0 With Us For: 6234 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιουλίου 31, 2023 Age: 41 Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 8, 2009 Anthrax - I Am The Law Fifteen years in the academy He was like no cadet they'd ever seen A man so hard, his veins bleed ice And when he speaks he never says it twice They call him Judge, his last name is Dredd So break the law, and you may wind up dead Truth and justice are what he's fighting for Judge Dredd the man, he is the law DROKK IT With his gun and bike he rules the streets And every perp he meets will taste defeat Not even Death can overcome his might Cause Dredd and Anderson, they won the fight When the Sov's started the Apocalypse war And Mega-city was bombed to the floor Dredd resisted, and the judges fought back And crushed the Sov's with their counter-attack DROKK IT [PRE-CHORUS:] Respect the badge - he earned it with his blood Fear the gun - your sentence may be death because ... [CHORUS:] I AM THE LAW And you won't fuck around no more - I AM THE LAW I judge the rich, I judge the poor - I AM THE LAW Commit a crime I'll lock the door - I AM THE LAW Because in Mega-City ... I AM THE LAW In the cursed earth where mutants dwell There is no law, it's just a living hell Anarchy and chaos as the blood runs red But this would change if it was up to Dredd The book of law is the bible to him And any crime committed is a sin He keeps the peace whith his law-giver Judge, jury, and executioner DROKK IT [REPEAT PRE-CHORUS] [REPEAT CHORUS] [bRIDGE:] CRIME - the ultimate sin Your Iso-Cube is waiting when he brings you in LAW - it's what he stands for Crime's his only enemy and he's going to war [LEAD BREAK] [REPEAT BRIDGE] [REPEAT PRE-CHORUS] [REPEAT CHORUS] 8 Παράθεση
ramirez Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 8, 2009 Member ID: 2298 Group: Members Topic Count: 1845 Content Count: 5387 Reputation: 35837 Achievement Points: 5396 Days Won: 15 With Us For: 6469 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: 2 ώρες πριν Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 8, 2009 Beastie Boys - Sure Shot You Can't, You Won't And You Don't Stop Mike D Come On And Rock The Sure Shot I've Got The Brand New Doo-Doo Guaranteed Like Yoo Hoo I'm On Like Dr John, Yea Mr Zu Zu I'm A Newlywed, Not A Divorcee And Everything I Do Is Funky Like Lee Dorsey Well, It's The Taking Fo Pelham, One, Two, Three If You Want A Doodoo Rhyme Then Come See Me I've Got The Savior Faire With The Unique Rhyme And I Keep It On And On, It's Never Quitting Time And Strictly Hand Held Is The Style I Go Never Rock The Mic With The Panty Hose I Strap On My Ear Goggles And I'm Ready To Go 'Couse At The Boards Is The Man They Call The Mario Pull Up At The Function And You Know I Kojak To All The Party People That Are On My Bozak I've Got More Action Than My Man John Woo And I've Got Mad Hits Like I Was Rod Carew You Can't, You Won't And You Don't Stop Ad Rock Come And Rock The Sure Shot Hurricane Will Cross Fade On Your Ass And Bust Your Ear Drums Listen Everybody 'Couse I'm Shifting Gears I'm Fresh Like Dougie When I Set My Specs And On The Microphone I Come Correct Timing Like A Clock When I'Rock The Hip Hop Top Notch Is My Stock On The Soap Box I've Got More Rhymes Than I'v Got Grey Hairs And That's Alot Because I've Got My Share I've Got A Hole In My Head And There's No One To Fix It Got To Straighten My Thoughts, I'm Thinking Too Much Sick Shit Everyone Just Takes and Takes, Takes, Takes, Takes I've Got To Step Back, I've Got To Contemplate I'm Like Lee Perry, I'm Very On Rock The Microphone And Then I'm Gone I'm Like Vaughn Bode, I'm a Cheech Wizard Never Quitting, So Won't You Listen Oh Yes Indeed, It's Fun Time 'Cause You Can't, You Won't And You Don't Stop MCA Come And Rock The Sure Shot I Want To Say a Little Something That's Long Overdue The Disrespect To Women Has Got To Be Through To All The Mothers And Sisters And the Wives And Friends I Want To Offer My Love And Respect To The End Well You Say I'm Twenty Something And Should Be Slacking But I'm Working Harder Than Ever And You Could Call It Macking So I'm Supposed To Sit Upon My Couch Watching My T.V. I'm Still Iistening To Wax, I'm Not Using The CD I'm That Kid In The Corner All Fucked Up And I Wanna So I'm Gonna Take A Piece Of The Pie, Why Not, I'm Not Quitting Think I'm Gonna Change Up My Style Just To Fit In I Keep My Underwear Up With A Piece Of Elastic I Use A Bullshit Mic That's Made Out Of Plastic To Send My Rhymes Out To All Nations Like Ma Bell, I've Got The Ill Communications [Chorus] 7 Παράθεση
Bonadrug Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 9, 2009 Member ID: 1271 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 718 Content Count: 3481 Reputation: 20427 Achievement Points: 3538 Days Won: 16 With Us For: 6568 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Σεπτεμβρίου 29, 2024 Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 9, 2009 Five For Fighting - Superman I'm more than a bird...I'm more than a plane More than some pretty face beside a train It's not easy to be me Wish that I could cry Fall upon my knees Find a way to lie About a home I'll never see It may sound absurd...but don't be naive Even heroes have the right to bleed I may be disturbed...but wont you concede Even heroes have the right to dream It's not easy to be me Up, up and away...away from me Its all can all sleep sound tonight Im not crazy...or anything... I cant stand to fly Im not that naive Men weren't meant to ride With clouds between their knees I'm only a man in a silly red sheet Digging for kryptonite on this one way street Only a man in a funny red sheet Looking for special things inside of me Inside of me Inside me Yeah, inside me Inside of me Im only a man In a funny red sheet Im only a man Looking for a dream Im only a man In a funny red sheet And its not easy, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm... 7 Παράθεση
nihilio Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 9, 2009 Member ID: 4542 Group: Members Topic Count: 6 Content Count: 272 Reputation: 480 Achievement Points: 272 Days Won: 0 With Us For: 6234 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιουλίου 31, 2023 Age: 41 Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 9, 2009 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite I took a walk around the world to Ease my troubled mind I left my body laying somewhere In the sands of time I watched the world float to the dark Side of the moon I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah I watched the world float to the Dark side of the moon After all I knew it had to be something To do with you I really don't mind what happens now and then As long as you'll be my friend at the end If I go crazy then will you still Call me Superman If I'm alive and well, will you be There holding my hand I'll keep you by my side with My superhuman might Kryptonite You called me strong, you called me weak But your secrets I will keep You took for granted all the times I Never let you down You stumbled in and bumped your head, if Not for me then you would be dead I picked you up and put you back On solid ground If I go crazy then will you still Call me Superman If I'm alive and well will you be There holding my hand I'll keep you by my side with my Superhuman might Kryptonite //Oh whoa whoa// 3x 9 Παράθεση
ramirez Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 9, 2009 Member ID: 2298 Group: Members Topic Count: 1845 Content Count: 5387 Reputation: 35837 Achievement Points: 5396 Days Won: 15 With Us For: 6469 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: 2 ώρες πριν Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 9, 2009 Well, I don 't think I can handle this A cloudy day in Metropolis I think I 'll talk to my analyst I got it so bad for this little journalist It drives me up the wall and through the roof Lois and Clark in a telephone booth I think Im going out of my brain I got it so bad for little miss Lois Lane Lois Lane please put me in your plan Yeah, Lois Lane you don 't need no Superman Come on downtown and stay with me tonight I got a pocket full of kryptonite He 's leaping buildings in a single bound I 'm reading Shakespeare at my place downtown Come on downtown and make love to me I 'm Jimmy Olsen not a titan, you see He 's faster than a bullet, stronger than a train He 's the one who got lucky got his cape around miss Lois Lane I can 't believe my dilemma is real I 'm competing with the man of steel 6 Παράθεση
ariane75 Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 14, 2009 Member ID: 1537 Group: Members Topic Count: 24 Content Count: 837 Reputation: 2397 Achievement Points: 837 Days Won: 0 With Us For: 6544 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιουνίου 16, 2024 Age: 49 Δημοσιεύτηκε Μαίου 14, 2009 subhumans - Mickey Mouse is dead Mickey Mouse is dead Got kicked in the head Cos people got too serious They planned out what they said They couldn't take the fantasy Tried to accept reality Analyzed the laughs Cos pleasure comes in halves The purity of comedy They had to take it seriously Changed the words around Tried to make it look profound The comedian is onstage Pisstaking for a wage The critics think he's great But the laughter turns to hate Mickey Mouse is on TV And the kids stare at the screen But the pictures are all black and white And the words don't mean a thing Cos Mummy's got no money And daddy is in jail He couldn't afford the license She can't afford the bail, no The kids out in the road Their minds have all gone cold Cos Mickey Mouse is dead They shot him through the head With ignorance and scorn They believed in something new They read the papers, watched the films And thought they knew the truth Look what you've done to Mickey Mouse But reality deceives Whatever you believe There's always another idea And theirs is based on fear The fear of being sussed For what they really are The fear of being laughed at When they go too far They call it paranoia You can't laugh it away Until you come to realize Everyone's the same People hide their problems under faces of contempt They hide 'em, till it kills 'em, and no one is exempt Not even you Look what you've done to Mickey Mouse 1, 2, 3, 4, look what you've done to Mickey Mouse 1, 2, 3, 4, can't you even laugh it away? 5 Παράθεση
x for xepeta Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 14, 2009 Member ID: 3787 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 488 Content Count: 12121 Reputation: 82376 Achievement Points: 12143 Days Won: 79 With Us For: 6344 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: 7 ώρες πριν Age: 50 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 14, 2009 Τραγούδι των Pop Will Eat Itself. Can U Dig It- lyrics We like the music, we like the disco sound...hey! We like the music, we like the disco sound...hey! We like the music, we like the disco sound...hey! We like the music, we like the disco sound...hey! We dig TV we dig remote control, We dig the Furry Freak Brothers and the Twilight Zone, We dig Marvel and D.C., we dig Run-DMC, We dig Renegade Soundwave and AC/DC (Can U dig it?) CHORUS Bruce Wayne auf weidersehn, Dirty Harry, Make my day, Terminator, hit the north, Alan Moore knows the score, Riffs? Yeah! Can U dig it? Riffs? Yeah! Can U dig it? We dig Optimus Prime and not Galvatron, We dig The Leader of the Pack and the Do-Run-Run, Spinderella and Bruce Lee, The Bad and the Ugly, V for Vendetta and Into the Groovy. (Can U dig it?) CHORUS We like the music, we like the disco song...hey! We like the music, we like the disco song...hey! Να και το βιντεάκι: Δε μπορώ να το σχολιάσω... θα αυτολογοκριθώ για να σώσω την κοινότητα! 7 Παράθεση
ariane75 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 21, 2009 Member ID: 1537 Group: Members Topic Count: 24 Content Count: 837 Reputation: 2397 Achievement Points: 837 Days Won: 0 With Us For: 6544 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιουνίου 16, 2024 Age: 49 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 21, 2009 The model volcano by the giant gas tank The street corner gun-market next to the robbed bank The poorhouse next to the Uniroyal palace A tower of riches, beside it the abyss Sit in the gridlock under the stopped clock Long for a new taste? Suck on a breeze-block Your brain is a doughnut, your spirit's a dry cup This place has the poison to fill them all right up Lockdown London-- Headbutt the pebble-dash The girl with the bit nails and fondness for blackmail You made her a secret, now she knows she can't fail Your weakness was known well, she earned her a bombshell Her life's worth of grievance now hangs from your coat-tails The little drummer-boy sadly (though eloquent) bitches Too old for the bluff game or overnight riches He meets with your pen friend, they speak of your badness and compose a duet--sounds like Tarzan and Callas I've been a victimiser and I've been victimised I've been a sly betrayer who has been demonised I've been an instrument of all I hate So here's to all you absent leeches--safe I'm not around to hear your pious speeches while you're... CHORUS: Waiting for a date from the Loyaliser Waiting for a date from the Loyaliser Crying for a sign from the Loyaliser Time always on the side of the Loyaliser Into thinner air with the Loyaliser You get older, you get scared but you get no wiser Now you must adjust your ears to the sound of trouble getting louder and louder and louder and louder Forget the "like-with-like," now there is only other as the walls begin to buckle and turn into powder Cowed figures under railway arches wait for the coming storm They've already seen your great provider in his true bloodthirsty human form Time to get criminal-minded Take any way out when you find it and those who stay around do so because they're blinded No light at all when you're...CHORUS Lockdown London... Just a prison... 3 Παράθεση
ariane75 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 21, 2009 Member ID: 1537 Group: Members Topic Count: 24 Content Count: 837 Reputation: 2397 Achievement Points: 837 Days Won: 0 With Us For: 6544 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιουνίου 16, 2024 Age: 49 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 21, 2009 There's no time for love Charlie Brown, aha And if I should come up, it'll only bring your mother down So I send you ten shillings as we have arranged I take second willing cause I never change My mind once it's made up, and it's made up Charlie Brown. Mother's found her golden gown and she drove to the end of town I'm here alone, why don't you come home For you know you've let the poor Charlie down With I send you ten shillings as we have arranged I take second willing cause I never change my mind Once it's made up, and it's made up Good grief Charlie Brown. ... And it's made up Oww, oww And it's made up... 4 Παράθεση
PhantomDuck Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 21, 2009 Member ID: 2414 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 206 Content Count: 5724 Reputation: 46210 Achievement Points: 5821 Days Won: 48 With Us For: 6457 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: 5 ώρες πριν Age: 38 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 21, 2009 (Επεξεργασία) Όχι απλώς ένα τραγούδι, αλλά ολόκληρος δίσκος αφιερωμένος σε χαρακτήρα κόμικ. Ο λόγος για τους ICED EARTH που αποδίδουν φόρο τιμής στον SPAWN με τον δίσκο τους DARK SAGA. Το εξώφυλλο του δίσκου είναι δημιουργημένο από τον σχεδιαστή του Spawn, Todd McFarlane. Ενδεικτικά, το πρώτο τραγούδι του ομότιτλου δίσκου The deal was rigged There's darkness in my soul I want to die again An empty soul shrouded in darkness Alone and confused what am I? Images flash memories jaded He took my life God damn his lies Fight Spawn of the damned, bring down the heavens Smash in the gates, burn 'em down You must accept the fate that you've chosen You will obey your destiny [Chorus] I cheated myself for love Love unconditional Now just to see her face I've lost it all [bridge] I know there's goodness in me Though I'm not the same I will defy the master I will refuse to be his slave No, I was betrayed I can't accept this My future's unclear, it's a lie I'll follow my heart stand and be counted The curse will lift I will survive Iced Earth continues to mature and evolve with their fourth release. "The Dark Saga" is a concept album based on the popular Spawn comic book series.It tells the story of a man who sells his soul in order to return to his true love on Earth. But he soon discovers that she is married to his own best friend. He is left completely alone in the world, and although he has good inside, he is influenced by dark forces. Everything that he desires is denied, even his own death. Fans of earlier Iced Earth albums might notice the change in the musical style to fit with this dark love story. The focus is less on technical musicianship (although the playing is still as impeccable as ever), and more on creating a complete story through sound and words. Thus, the music is generally more dark, emotional, melodic, and simple than other Iced Earth albums. This is not to say that the songs are uninteresting; to the contrary, some of the most amazing Iced Earth songs appear on this album. The crushing heaviness and power remains, but it is entwined with beauty and grace, creating Iced Earth's most thoughtful and emotional work to date. Για τα υπόλοιπα τραγούδια, πηγαίνετε στο DarkLyrics Επεξεργασία Ιουνίου 21, 2009 από PhantomDuck 9 Παράθεση
GreekComicFan Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 21, 2009 Member ID: 2265 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 999 Content Count: 20072 Reputation: 117545 Achievement Points: 20162 Days Won: 336 With Us For: 6470 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Νοεμβρίου 10, 2021 Age: 47 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 21, 2009 Το εξώφυλλο του δίσκου είναι δημιουργημένο από τον σχεδιαστή του Spawn, Todd McFarlane. Διόρθωση. Του Capullo είναι με μελάνια από McFarlane. Το λάθος βέβαια οφείλεται στους Iced Earth (ή σε οποιονδήποτε ανέλαβε το booklet του CD τέλος πάντως) οι οποίοι αναφέρουν μόνο τον McFarlane στα credits. Στο booklet υπάρχουν όμως αποσπάσματα από διάφορα σημεία του του σχεδίου που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για εξώφυλλο, ακόμα και από σημεία που κόπηκαν από αυτό για να ταιριάξει στις διαστάσεις του CD, και εκεί μπορεί κανείς να δει την υπογραφή του Capullo. 7 Παράθεση
dionik Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουλίου 28, 2009 Member ID: 2393 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 594 Content Count: 6421 Reputation: 30941 Achievement Points: 6434 Days Won: 13 With Us For: 6459 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Πέμπτη στις 08:22 PM Age: 43 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουλίου 28, 2009 I get this writer's block, it comes as quite a shock, And now i'm stuck between a hard place and the biggest rock, In my own head consumed. I sit back in my room, Its like the tapestries of life get tangled in the loom, I'm like a butterfly, caught in a hurricane, My pulse is quickening as my heart plays a new refrain Im lovin' Mary Jane, flyin' with Lois Lane, On board a bullet train Don't know yet if i'm glad i came Don't know yet if i'm glad i came Don't know yet if i'm glad i came Don't know yet if i'm glad i came Sometimes at night i think too much, About life and love and music and stuff I'm livin' in the past, My clocks an hour fast, Should really go and make a coffee but i can't be arsed, I've lost my mobile phone, You'll have to call my home, On second thoughts just leave a message when you hear the tone, My grimy windows show the early morning glow, Another day, another dollar in my one man show, Im lovin' Mary Jane, flyin' with Lois Lane, On board a bullet train Don't know yet if i'm glad i came Don't know yet if i'm glad i came Don't know yet if i'm glad i came Don't know yet if i'm glad i came I fell out with Mary Jane, I don't speak to Lois Lane and i missed that bullet train But now i know i'm glad i- I fell out with Mary Jane, I don't speak to Lois Lane and i missed that bullet train But now i know i'm glad i- I fell out with Mary Jane, I don't speak to Lois Lane and i missed that bullet train But now i know i'm glad i- I fell out with Mary Jane, I don't speak to Lois Lane and i missed that bullet train But now i know i'm glad i came But now i know i'm glad i came But now i know i'm glad i came :beer: 5 Παράθεση
Bonadrug Δημοσιεύτηκε Σεπτεμβρίου 17, 2009 Member ID: 1271 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 718 Content Count: 3481 Reputation: 20427 Achievement Points: 3538 Days Won: 16 With Us For: 6568 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Σεπτεμβρίου 29, 2024 Δημοσιεύτηκε Σεπτεμβρίου 17, 2009 Barenaked Ladies - One Week (youtube) Words & music by ed robertson Its been one week since you looked at me Cocked your head to the side and said Im angry. Five days since you laughed at me Saying get that together come back and see me. Three days since the living room I realized its all my fault, but couldnt tell you Yesterday youd forgiven me But itll still be two days till I say Im sorry Hold it now and watch the hoodwink As I make you stop, think Youll think youre looking at Aquaman I summon fish to the dish, although I like the chalet swiss I like the sushi cause its never touched a frying pan Hot like wasabe when I bust rhymes Big like leann rimes Because Im all about value Bert kaempferts got the mad hits You try to match wits You try to hold me but I bust through Gonna make a break and take a fake Id like a stinkin achin shake I like vanilla, its the finest of the flavours Gotta see the show, cause then youll know The vertigo is gonna grow Cause its so dangerous, youll have to sign a waiver How can I help it if I think youre funny when youre mad Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad Im the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral Cant understand what I mean? Well, you soon will I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve I have a history of taking off my shirt Its been one week since you looked at me Threw your arms in the air and said youre crazy Five days since you tackled me Ive still got the rug burns on both my knees Its been three days since the afternoon You realized its not my fault not a moment too soon Yesterday youd forgiven me And now I sit back and wait till you say youre sorry Chickity china the chinese chicken You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin Watchin x-files with no lights on, were dans la maison I hope the smoking mans in this one Like harrison ford Im getting frantic Like sting Im tantric Like snickers, guaranteed to satisfy Like kurasawa I make mad films Okay I dont make films But if I did theyd have a samurai Gonna get a set of better clubs Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs just so my Irons arent always flying off the back-swing Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes That make me think the wrong thing How can I help it if I think youre funny when youre mad Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad Im the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral Cant understand what I mean? you soon will I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve I have a history of losing my shirt Its been one week since you looked at me Dropped your arms to your sides and said Im sorry Five days since I laughed at you And said you just did just what I thought you were gonna do Three days since the living room We realized were both to blame, but what could we do? Yesterday you just smiled at me Cause itll still be two days till we say were sorry Itll still be two days till we say were sorry Itll still be two days till we say were sorry Birchmount stadium, home of the robbie 7 Παράθεση
geokon Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 17, 2010 Member ID: 10885 Group: Members Topic Count: 20 Content Count: 669 Reputation: 4993 Achievement Points: 669 Days Won: 1 With Us For: 5655 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Οκτωβρίου 21, 2020 Age: 40 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 17, 2010 Πολύ καλό το θέμα, ειδικά τα Ημίζ, είναι εγκυκλοπαίδεια των κόμικς, κάνουν αναφορά σε κάθε τους τραγούδι σχεδόν… Γνωρίζει κανείς τους στοίχους από «το Δώρο του Καίσαρα»… ολόκληρο γαλατικό τραγούδι! Το έχω, αλλά κάποιες λέξεις τους δεν τις πιάνω… Να το τολμήσω;; 2 Παράθεση
ΔeMo™ Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 18, 2010 Member ID: 12627 Group: Members Topic Count: 12 Content Count: 295 Reputation: 1312 Achievement Points: 295 Days Won: 1 With Us For: 5359 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Απριλίου 14, 2014 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουνίου 18, 2010 Λοιπον.. Το Δώρο του Καίσαρα που λέει ο φίλος από πάνω μου, είναι από το δίσκο Ημισκούμπρια 2030, και είναι μία επικριτική σάτιρα προς τους Αμερικάνους για τον πόλεμο στη Σερβία χρησιμοποιώντας Αστεριξικούς όρους. Φαντάζομαι και ο τίτλος είναι εμπνευσμένος από το αντίστοιχο άλμπουμ της σειράς. Για τους στίχους επειδή έχω χρόονια να τ ακούσω το αφήνω για το φίλο (γιατί δεν το βρίσκω και στο ίντερνετ δλδ, όχι τπτ αλλο ) Βλέποντας τα προηγούμενα ποστς που έχουν γίνει μου ήρθαν αυτά τα τραγούδια. Επιφυλάσσομαι και για άλλα. 1) Rancid - Sidekick I had i dream i was a vigilante sidekick my name is tim im a lesser known character I had a dream i was a vigilante sidekick fighting crime in the streets together Down in Oakland off of west grand, st joseph relief a program A good place were good people get food, help your fellow man is a good thing to do Government agency said be afraid of me, i shut your doors down it won't phase me Wolverine came through left the agent for dead, opened up the doors back up everyone was fed Do not bill the abandoned buildings, it's nice to sleep when you've got a ceiling. Neighborhood watch said we gotta put a stop, can't have people livin' for free call the cops. Here comes the SWAT team, and the M-16, shoot the walls in, destroy the building. Wolverine was sad and it made him mad, every single cop got a bullet in the head. 2) Marshall, sounds like an SOS... Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you're fuckin' right... To the rapmobile, let's go... {Marshall, Marshall}, bitches and gentlemen, it's showtime, hurry hurry, step right up, introducing the star of our show, his name is, {Marshall}, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now, so without further ado, I bring to you, {Marshall}... You 'bout to witness hip-hop in it's most purest, more rawest form, flow almost flawless, most hardest, most honest known artist, chip off the old block, but ol' Doc is, {back}, looks like Batman brought his own Robin, oh God, Sadam's got his own Laden, with his own private plane, his own pilot, set to blow college dorm rooms doors off the hinges, oranges, peach, pears, plums, syringes, {vnn vnn}, yeah here I come, i'm inches, away from you, dear fear none, hip-hop is in a state of 911, so... [Chorus] Let's get down to business, I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus in town, let's shut the shit down on these clowns, can I get a witness, {hell yeah}, let's get down to business, I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus in town, let's shut the shit down on these clowns, can I get a witness, {hell yeah}... Quick gotta move fast, gotta perform miracles, gee willikers Dre, holy bat syllables, look at all the bullshit that goes on in Gotham when i'm gone, time to get rid of these rap criminals, so skip to your lou while I do what I do best, you ain't even impressed no more, you're used to it, flows too wet, nobody close to it, nobody says it, but still everybody knows the shit, the most hated on out of all those who say they get hated on in eighty songs and exaggerate it all so much, they make it all up, there's no such thing, like a female with good looks, who cooks and cleans, it just means so much more to so much more people when you're rappin' and you know what for, the show must go on, so i'd like to welcome y'all to Marshall and Andre's carnival, c'mon now... [Chorus] It's just like old times, the dynamic duo, two old friends, why panic, you already know who's fully capable, the two capped heroes, dial straight down the center eight-zero-zero, you can even call collect, the most feared duet, since me and Elton played career Russian Roulette, and never even see me blink or get to bustin' a sweat, people steppin' over people just to rush to the set, just to get to see an MC who breathes so freely, ease over these beat's and be so breezy, Jesus how can shit be so easy, how can one Chandra be so Levy, turn on these beats, MC's don't see me, believe me BET and MTV are gonna grieve, when we leave, dog fo' sheezy, can't leave rap alone, the game needs me, 'till we grow beards, get weird, and disappear into the mountains, nothin' but clowns down here, but we ain't fuckin around round here, yo' Dre, what up, can I get a hell, hell yeah, now... [Chorus] So there you have it folks, {Marshall}, has come to save the day, back with his friend Andre, and to remind you that bullshit does not pay, because, {Marshall}, and Andre are here to stay and never go away until our dying day until we're old and grey, {Marshall}, so until next time friends, same blonde hair, same rap channel, good night everyone, thank you for coming, your host for the evening, {Marshall}, oh, ha... 3) Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia [Part 1] I'm the son of rage and love The Jesus of suburbia From the bible of none of the above On a steady diet of soda pop and Ritalin No one ever died for my sins in hell As far as I can tell At least the ones I got away with And there's nothing wrong with me This is how I'm supposed to be In a land of make believe That don't believe in me Get my television fix sitting on my crucifix The living room or my private womb While the moms and brads are away To fall in love and fall in debt To alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane To keep me insane and doing someone else's cocaine And there's nothing wrong with me This is how I'm supposed to be In a land of make believe That don't believe in me [Part 2: City Of The Damned] At the center of the Earth In the parking lot Of the 7-11 were I was taught The motto was just a lie It says home is where your heart is But what a shame Cause everyone's heart Doesn't beat the same It's beating out of time City of the dead At the end of another lost highway Signs misleading to nowhere City of the damned Lost children with dirty faces today No one really seems to care I read the graffiti In the bathroom stall Like the holy scriptures of a shopping mall And so it seemed to confess It didn't say much But it only confirmed that The center of the earth Is the end of the world And I could really care less City of the dead At the end of another lost highway Signs misleading to nowhere City of the damned Lost children with dirty faces today No one really seems to care [Part 3: I don't care] I don't care if you don't I don't care if you don't I don't care if you don't care [x4] I don't care Everyone is so full of shit Born and raised by hypocrites Hearts recycled but never saved From the cradle to the grave We are the kids of war and peace From Anaheim to the middle east We are the stories and disciples Of the Jesus of suburbia Land of make believe And it don't believe in me Land of make believe And I don't believe And I don't care! I don't care! [x4] [Part 4: Dearly beloved] Dearly beloved are you listening? I can't remember a word that you were saying Are we demented or am I disturbed? The space that's in between insane and insecure Oh therapy, can you please fill the void? Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed Nobody's perfect and I stand accused For lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse [Part 5: Tales of another broken home] To live and not to breathe Is to die In tragedy To run, to run away To find what you believe And I leave behind This hurricane of fucking lies I lost my faith to this This town that don't exist So I run I run away To the light of masochist And I leave behind This hurricane of fucking lies And I walked this line A million and one fucking times But not this time I don't feel any shame I won't apologize When there ain't nowhere you can go Running away from pain When you've been victimized Tales from another broken home You're leaving... You're leaving... You're leaving... Ah you're leaving home... συμφωνα με υποδειξη του DJO, το Μαίρυ Τζαίην αναφέρεται σε ένα γνωστο ναρκωτικό που πήρε το όνομά του από την αγαπημένη ηρωίδα. Μετά από χρόνια καταλαβαίνω τους στίχους:Ρ 7 Παράθεση
Σνούπης. Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουλίου 7, 2010 Member ID: 12748 Group: Members Topic Count: 19 Content Count: 440 Reputation: 1801 Achievement Points: 440 Days Won: 1 With Us For: 5338 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιανουαρίου 21 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουλίου 7, 2010 τωρα ξερετε τι θα απαντησετε οταν σας πουνε 'παλι βλεπεις Μικυ Μαου?' ακουστε το ολο πολυ γελιο τσακω και τα lyrics!!! Μίκυ Μάου Στον καναπέ μου ξύνω μπολ με παντόφλα και Τσακίρη στο’να χέρι το κοντρόλ και στο άλλο ανοιχτήρι έχω βάλει dvd και πατάω το μπουτόν και θα δω, τι άλλο, τι; Simpsons τέταρτη σαιζόν. Καθώς ο Homer πίνει duff Με τον φίλο το τον γκάου Μπαίνει η γυναίκα μου και λέει «πάλι βλάπεις Μικυ Μάου;» R] Λέω τότε να του δίνω Δρόμο παίρνω, δρόμο αφήνω Άντε γεία σας, μπάι, τσάου Πάω για πάντα στο Νταχάου Λέω τότε να του δίνω Δρόμο παίρνω, δρόμο αφήνω Άντε γεία σας, μπάι, νάου Πάω για πάντα στο Νταχάου Την πέφτω στο κρεβάτι και μέχρι να γλαρώσω Δίπλα απ’το κομο-λι έχω ένα πάκο τόσο Από Λούκι Λουκ τις εκδόσεις του εβδομήντα Πού’χω φίλε μόνο εγώ, άντε και η Μαίρη Λίντα Το «τσίρκο» είναι τεύχος που γουστάρω πολύ Με τον Έρασμο Μούλιγκαν , τζογαδόρο μπεκρή Τον φιδογράρτη Τζο και το μονόφθαλμο λιοντάρι Έχω αποσβολωθεί πάνω στο μαξιλάρι Κι όπως έχω γίνει ένα με τα σκίτσα του Μορίς Και λέω πως κι απόψε δεν θα κοιμηθώ νωρίς Γυρνά και τι μου λέει η καλή μου μάιν φροάου; «κλείσε το φως και άσ’το Μίκυ Μάου» Ρωτάει η κυρά «τι λες λοιπόν να κάνουμε;» Έχω μια ιδέα που στην Ελλάδα χάνομαι Χτυπάμε καμιά μπύρα και δυο μερίδες γύρο Και βλέπουμε Ακίρα του Οτόμο Κατσουχίρο Μου λέει «τι είν’αυτό;» της λέω «ανιμέισον» Με στόμα ανοιχτό ψελλίζει «κύριε ελέησον» Μιλάμε ΝΥΟ Τόκυο 2019 Για μια μελλοντική cyber γενιά Τεχνολογικός φετιχισμός και ίνες με τοξίνες Και όταν τελειώσει θα θέλεις ασπιρίνες Μου λέει «όλα αυτά είναι πολύ ουάου Μα είμαι πια μεγάλη για να βλέπω Μίκυ Μάου» 6 Παράθεση
dionik Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουλίου 7, 2010 Member ID: 2393 Group: Veterans Topic Count: 594 Content Count: 6421 Reputation: 30941 Achievement Points: 6434 Days Won: 13 With Us For: 6459 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Πέμπτη στις 08:22 PM Age: 43 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουλίου 7, 2010 Έγινε merge με το αντίστοιχο θέμα. 3 Παράθεση
Σνούπης. Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουλίου 7, 2010 Member ID: 12748 Group: Members Topic Count: 19 Content Count: 440 Reputation: 1801 Achievement Points: 440 Days Won: 1 With Us For: 5338 Days Status: Offline Last Seen: Ιανουαρίου 21 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιουλίου 7, 2010 οκ, και μιας και αναφερατε την σχεση ημισκουμπριων και κομιξ,θα ετοιμασω ενα post,επι του θεματος,μιας και πιστευω οτι ειμαι ο πιο ιδικος πανω σαυτο 4 Παράθεση
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